Are you an ambitious sports coach,
who wants to build a dream career?

World renowned snooker coach Nic Barrow reveals the secrets that helped him build his dream coaching career in the sport he loves.

Have you ever wondered how to:

  • Get more automatic leads for your business?
  • Remove your doubt in tough coaching situations?
  • Get results even more quickly with your students?
  • Work with federations, pros, juniors, product development or other chosen niche?

Without these skills, as well as others you do not know that you need yet, your coaching business may feel like it is sometimes on the verge of closing – along with your dream of helping your ideal students all the time.

This threat provided me with great anguish and frankly an identity crisis. I used to think that if my business failed I would have to go and work on a job that I hated. I thought if I cannot even succeed at doing something I love, how the heck am I going to succeed at something I hate doing?!

I spent my childhood learning snooker, my 20’s competing.
My 30’s travelling the world coaching.
And my 40’s creating the world’s most comprehensive and best selling snooker coaching products…
managing to stay the course through thick and thin.
In my 50’s, my goal is to empower coaches in snooker and other sports to live the life they love, doing what they love.

My goal is to share all the mistakes I made operating to a world class level in every niche of coaching in my chosen sport… In turn, you don’t have to go through the agony of making them yourself.

As a teenager, creating this archive of solutions for snooker players and coaches was my dream. Part of the motivation was so that players and coaches travelling the path after me did not have to endure the mind bending frustration and uncertainty that I did.

This monthly subscription programme offers the main elements to building your dream career.
These are addressed in the regular live group Zoom calls with me.
Topics that have the most interest will be turned into products and processes in the membership area. You can come back to these when needed.

💥 Your choices then are to: 💥

Do nothing, and continue feeling the pain

Work it all out yourself

Take the short cut laid out below…

⭐  For Sports Coach Mentor Members:
Option to upgrade to Master Class service  ⭐

Access to our one to one services with me and my team should you need more personalised attention

Criteria for joining:

If you are a snooker coach, you must have passed The Snooker Gym Level 1 Coach Certification already. Membership then gives you access at no extra cost to your online study materials for your Level 2 Certification.

If you coach another sport, you should have had at least one year of coaching students already. This is a guide and applications are on a first come / first served basis.
We are taking in the first 24 members on an application basis to make sure we get a nice mix of sports and experience in our community.


  • This subscription service costs £69 per month
  • The first 24 members will receive a discount to £49 AND the ability to refer other coaches and get a £20 affiliate commission. In other words for any coach you recommend, THEY receive £20 a month discount and YOU receive £20 a month royalty as long as they are members.
  • I may remove this affiliate option at any time after 24 places are sold… but you will still have that option for the life of your membership.
  • What this means is that the membership can end up MAKING YOU MONEY EVERY MONTH!
  • Imagine if it gave you enough recurring income every month to pay your membership, cover a household bill every month, or even cover your mortgage payment….
  • These first 24 subscribers will also have a 30 minute call with me to discuss the biggest issue in your career and how to solve it.
  • For these 24 founder members, your price will never increase…

Click on the link below where you will be given instructions on how to apply, and dates for the next meetings.
If accepted you would then join our community of other like minded coaches, and perhaps choose an accountability buddy from the network.

Final warning

Without acting now, you will keep making the mistakes you do not know that you do not know… and risk spending decades going down the rabbit holes I have done…

YOUR risk becomes MY risk – the ‘Socks Off‘ guarantee

I don’t want your money unless you are absolutely delighted.

If for any reason you don’t feel you get multiples of value from your subscription, this defeats the object.
At ANY TIME in the first 90 days, just let me know and I will refund everything you have paid to date with no questions asked (and we stay friends after I have apologized for not ‘blowing your socks off’ with value).

Compare this with the risk of continuing doing what you are doing without the decades of experience I have built up in every different genre of coaching… so that you don't have to 😉

Your family will thank you if you can reach your goals a year or decade quicker than you otherwise would.

If you are interested, then let's get to know you better!

Click the button below and answer a few quick questions:

Let's do it!