If snooker or pool are in your blood, and you like helping others…
Turn your snooker knowledge into a part or full time business transforming other players, and making friends along the way…
The Snooker Gym Coach Certification Programme
Each of the four levels of the programme has various requirements for pre course study, online resources, physical products, contact time, comprehension, demonstration ability, and communication skills.
The programme is designed to offer the quickest route to mastery in the 11 areas of coaching.
The curriculum represents my 40+ years obsession for categorising all elements of the game so that other players & coaches coming into the game can avoid the intense frustration I went through to learn the game.
I have:
- Travelled to over 50 countries to coach cue sports, has customers in over 100 countries.
- Worked to a world class level with juniors, club players, social media, product development, national federations, world federations, rookie professionals, and the greatest players of all time.
- Helped players win junior events, club tournaments, world amateur championships, and to become world number one.
We differ from other coach providers in the market in the following ways, and view ourselves as complimentary to them rather than competitors. Nobody ever knows everything, and we applaud any of our coaches who also earn certifications from other providers.
I have come out of coach training retirement to release my simplest, fastest, most powerful set of tools, techniques, and check lists to dramatically shortcut your way to your coaching goals.
If you are anything like me you have experienced – and probably will still have – those ‘Frozen Moments’… where you just do not know what to do on the table with a player. Or you may just be nervous about that situation happening when coaching one of your students. For me, some of those moments were:
- The first time I coached anyone (my school friend Lawrence O’Toole in 1985 when I was 15!):
I had no clue what to say, or what to do – and although I was a much better player than him I just felt lost and as though I was making it up. - The first time I coached someone and I could not work out how he could get better.
This was in about 1992, and this player had a highest break of 63 but to me looked to have a better technique than Steve Davis! I could not work out how to solve his potting and cueing issues because I did not know where to look. It was only many years later than I worked out the process I should have gone through to make no errors slip through my awareness. - The first time I coached 100 break players.
In fact, this was also my first role as a national team coach – overseeing the UAE team in my full time contract living in Dubai from 1999-2006. Even though I had made a 147 many years earlier (and was a better player than anyone on the team at the time), I still felt extremely intimidated and as if I was a charlatan. - The first time I coached a world champion / world number one player.
Whilst back in the UK on holiday from my role as UAE head coach, I was invited to a ladies ranking tournament where I would be a coach on hand for the day for any players interested.
The world champion and ladies world number 1 at the time – Kelly Fisher – was one of those players… I was so nervous as I saw this as a huge feather in my cap and something I had always wanted to do. After watching her play for a few minutes and methodically came up with three points to work on. I was so scared of forgetting them that I had to secretly scribble them down on a scrap of paper when she wasn’t looking so that I could refer to them during the remainder of the one hour session!
All these thresholds (and a lot more work in addition) helped me reach a point in 2009 where I was coaching Ronnie O’Sullivan for the first time… and felt completely relaxed and as if he could throw nothing my way to destabilise me, or generate doubt.
When I was trying to work out my own coaching skills, personality, and style… I was filled with doubt about so many elements of coaching…
- What if a player asked me a question I did not know the answer to?
- What if I am not sure about various parts of the game?
- What if I make a mistake and the player gets worse?
- What if the player knows more than me on something?
- What if I can’t demonstrate the shot I am explaining?
- What if the student can play better than me?
- What if they talk behind my back about me?
- How do I structure a lesson?
- What do I say?
- What if I get stuck on something (and, worse, the player wants to stop the training)?
- How do I finish a session properly?
- How much do I charge?
- How do I ask for another session?
- How do I create recurring income?
- What is the best method of payment?
Instead of all this doubt, worry, and uncertainty above… to experience the following:
- How to market, sell, and charge properly for your services.
- How to run trainings for pairs, groups, or juniors.
- General business building skills I have learned over the years.
- How to ask for, and get, testimonials.
- Knowing the REAL reasons players make most of the mistakes they do.
- Being able to diagnose your student with complete confidence.
- How to use video in your coaching.
- How to use language patterns to help the student – without them knowing what you are doing.
- How to coach different types of personality.
- Mastering variables
- ‘Shaving the yak’
- Increasing choice
- The feedback loop
- Advanced coaching skills
- How to help students change, reverse, or upgrade their habits.
- How to guide s student’s thinking to get what they want.
- How to use coaching equipment to accelerate the results for the student.
- The way I was taught to work with top amateurs and professionals.
- The five second coaching method.
- Various ways to solve the toughest problems a student can present.
The shortcut to building your coaching skills, technical knowledge, and business building ability…
Coaches who are serious about developing their technical knowledge, coaching skills, and business building ability.
- Those who want transformation in their life, and career.
- Those who want a short cut and don’t have the spare 30 years I spent working all this out.
- Those who believe that the price of this membership, and more, can be easily made back by the lessons and training structure provided.
- Those who have always felt coaching is in their blood, and the urge somewhere inside to help others enjoy your chosen sport more…
- Those who value skills for life long learning and transformation…
- Those who want to buy a certificate as a short cut to coaching recognition.
- Those who have no playing skills – unless you can play your sport to a fairly proficient amateur level, you are going to struggle to get the most value from this programme.
Applications, however, will be considered on a case by case basis. - Those who think coaching is an easy hobby that will allow them to retire to the Bahamas in a few months.
The Snooker Gym’s Purpose
We Inspire & Transform People
The Snooker Gym Values
- Customer experience is our number 1 priority
- We have the courage to be who we are
- We give 100% and play full out
- We decide fast, and finish fast
- We show humanity and kindness
- We do and say what is right

Each level has various requirements for pre course study, online resources, physical products, contact time, comprehension, demonstration ability, and communication skills
Level 1 Coach – Basic
Level 2 Coach – Advanced
Level 3 Coach – Examiner for level 1
Level 4 Coach – Examiner for level 2
The curriculum across the four levels includes:
- Psychology: 12 Mind Practices
- Technique: 16 Technique Defaults
- Cue Control: 8 Phases of Cueing
- Aiming / Sighting / Potting: 15 Aiming Steps
- Positional Play: 12 Positional Play References
- Break Building: 7 Break Building Protocols
- Safety Play: 10 Skills of Safety
- Practice: 7 Principles of Practice
- Teaching Skills
Includes video analysis, distance coaching, practice platforms, dealing with resistance, difficult student situations - Business Building
Includes marketing, your TSG affiliate shop, pricing theory, your profile on our site, product creation, and access to 'Sports Coach Mentor' programme - Advanced Skills
Includes 'How To Make A 100 Break' Red - Black Certificates, topic poster packs, working with pros / national teams / federations
Level 1 Outline:
What you get:
- Online study from The Snooker Gym curriculum outlined above
- Includes the Red To Black 'How To Make A 100 Break' rating system
- Q&A live webinars from myself and my examiners
- Demonstration evaluation done by my examiner or by me
- Be on our list of recommended coaches
- Discount if you have taken any of our coach certifications previously – decided on a case by case basis
- I will pay you a 10% fee for any students you recommend to me for one to one coaching (they also get a 10% discount from current prices)
Please contact Nic for payment methods.
Price until Sunday 31st December 2023 £495 (thereafter £750)
Level 2 Outline:
- Much deeper online study from The Snooker Gym curriculum outlined above
- Q&A live webinars from myself and my examiners
- Demonstration evaluation done by my examiner or by me
- 3 day course on Wed 8 – Fri 10th May 2024, or Fri 4 – Sun 6 October 2024 in Milton Keynes, UK (MAXIMUM 6 coaches per course!)
- Free ticket to the Annual Snooker Gym Summit ticket Sat 11 & Sun 12 May in Milton Keynes, UK (surprise content, but exact format subject to feedback and requests!)
- Be on our list of recommended coaches
- Discount if you have taken any of our coach trainings previously - decided on a case by case basis
- Discount if you have already purchased the Cue Action Trainer (which is a required purchase for this programme)
- I will pay you a 10% fee for any students you recommend to me for one to one coaching (they also get a 10% discount from current prices)
- You become set up as an affiliate of all Snooker Gym products... which give up to a 40% royalty for purchased made from purchases made from the links you share.
This alone could easily pay for your course fees in the first year
Bonuses currently included in the Level 2 Certification👇
🎁 Bonus 1:
V1 sports analysis software seat (the most powerful sports analysis software on the planet)
- Full use of the software as a Snooker Gym Coach
- This software would otherwise cost you approx. £900 per year
- Full use of my library of 30 second technique template videos - which you can easily import into your client's analysis to compare what they do, with what they should do
- Access to dozens of sample analysis videos I have previously made for my own students to give you the quickest path to making your own world class video analysis
🎁 Bonus 2:
TrueCoach practice scheduling platform seat (offers the best client experience for following practice routines you set - on a free app they download)
- Full use of the software as a Snooker Gym Coach
- This software would otherwise cost you approx. £900 per year
- Full use within TrueCoach to use my own full library of online practice routines and videos (which has taken me three years to build up and test)
- Includes the Red To Black 'How To Make A 100 Break' rating system
🎁 Bonus 3:
Sports Coach Mentor ('We Help Ambitious Sports Coaches, Build Their Dream Career') subscription for as long as you keep renewing your Level 2 status - see more details here
- This service is currently priced approx. £900 per year
- You get a recurring commission for any other sports coaches you recommend into this membership (and you will be able to give them a discount code so that their price reduces by the same amount)
Includes three bonuses valued at
approx £2700 per year.
Only Snooker Gym Level 1 Certified Coaches can apply for this Level 2 programme
(more details during the Level 1 training).
Reduce & Lock Option
These apps & bonuses will be renewed annually at the locked price of just £500.
That price will never increase, and, they will never be offered at this renewal price again.
We will remind you one month before renewal so you can choose to renew or cancel.