Nic Barrow's The Snooker Gym ... "We Train Frustrated Amateurs, To Beat Their Highest Break"


WANTED: 54 Snooker Players
struggling to diagnose errors in
Vision Centre, Cueing, Potting Angles,
and Centre Cue Ball Recognition...

Discover the closely guarded secrets known by few players to self-diagnose your Vision Centre, Cueing, Potting Angles, and Centre Cue Ball Recognition... improve your game and get the ball in the damn pocket more often than you ever have before… guaranteed!

Leading Snooker Expert Reveals This Little Known Tool proven to once and for all diagnose your four main potting errors...

If your aim / potting angle selection is constantly off and you can’t get the angles perfect
If you struggle with getting the cue in the exact position under your eyes
If your cueing is not like a finely tuned piston engine
If you cannot see or hit centre cue ball
I understand and it’s ok, it’s not your fault…
You see, most players spend hours watching YouTube videos, reading blog posts, hiring the wrong coaches, asking friends in the club for advice, wasting hundreds of hours practicing the wrong way or following the latest theory…
Then you hit a brick wall after “learning” from all those different sources only to end up chasing your tail more confused and …you’re still not getting the ball in the damn pocket!
The problem is those sources can’t tell you what your very individual problem is – as everyone’s combination of causes are unique to them.
I understand and it’s ok, it’s not your fault…
You see, most players spend hours watching YouTube videos, reading blog posts, hiring the wrong coaches, asking friends in the club for advice, wasting hundreds of hours practicing the wrong way or following the latest theory…
Then you hit a brick wall after “learning” from all those different sources only to end up chasing your tail more confused and …you’re still not getting the ball in the damn pocket!
The problem is those sources can’t tell you what your very individual problem is – as everyone’s combination of causes are unique to them.

The Best Tool to Get the Ball in the Damn Pocket

What will help you is a carefully designed tool and training method guaranteed to “force” you to learn the correct potting angles and quickly incorporate this into every shot.

This tool and the methodology condenses down everything I’ve learned about getting the ball in the damn pocket into a simple tool with all the proper training you’ll ever need to self diagnose and never struggle again.

Here's just a little taste of what you'll discover

  • How to ‘Set & Forget” your optimum eye position in minutes, so you see a straight pot properly every time and never worry about it again
  • Master the ability to ‘see’ before the shot if the ball is going in or not so you can read the potting angles like a pro
  • Experience what professionals do after every shot so you know why you missed the shot
  • 5 Secrets to aiming with accuracy so more balls end up in the pocket
  • Learning key shots that will immediately improve your game
  • How to self-diagnose every shot so you make progress quickly
Hi, I’m Nic Barrow founder of The Snooker Gym.
I’ve spent the past 45 years playing snooker (having made my first 147 in 1991) and the past 25 years coaching players all over the world to improve their game and get the ball in the damn pocket. I’ve invested years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on testing and research, played and won countless tournaments and added my own personal training and experiences to develop this tool and this system to help you.

Don’t let the simplicity of this tool fool you, Hundreds of hours and three years of research went into developing it. It’s been tested for hundreds of hours and we had 'Ronnie The Robot' built to ensure you get the best results.

‘Ronnie’, at a build cost of £6,000 helped us confirm the impact throw on the four main potting angles, allowing us to perfectly build this unique time saving potting template. The video explains how.

The Perfect Potting Robot

Here's what two of our students say about AimFrame

Nothing on earth has even been able to “FORCE” you to learn what the perfect potting angle looks like … until now!

Can you imagine how much faster your game will improve when you have a tool and training system that’s been tried and tested to see potting angles correctly. We’ve made all the mistakes, done all the research and figured out how you can be successful in self-diagnosing your game, prescribing the correct fixes and getting the ball in the damn pocket.

  • Imagine setting up your next shot and knowing exactly how to aim, sight and pot like the pros
  • And how to gain the confidence to win more games
  • Not only that, you’ll be able to get more value per hour from your practice than your opponents,
  • Imagine that with each shot you take, you get better
  • You have much less doubt than your opponents
  • You can now self-correct more than your opponents
  • You’ll have the secret weapon in your arsenal which will give you the extra confidence you’ve never had and you’ll beat your opponents
  • The game will appear much simpler to you

Introducing The
Aiming/ Cueing/ Potting
Super Solution

Here is what you get:
The AimFrame tool (Sent to you by mail when you order)

This includes:

  • 30 Instructional Videos on How to Use the AimFrame
  • The AimFrame Basics 5 Videos - How set up and use the AimFrame
  • AimFrame Advanced 7 Videos - How to Use the AimFrame
  • AimFrame Professional 18 Videos - Eye alignment/Vision Center Learning Key Shots
  • And so much more …

The AimFrame, and Instructional videos sell for £40 – but we only have 54 remaining in stock and wanted to bundle a ton of extra value into these last units.

Introducing The
Aiming/ Cueing/ Potting
Super Solution

Here is what you get:
The AimFrame tool (Sent to you by mail when you order)

This includes:

  • 30 Instructional Videos on How to Use the AimFrame
  • The AimFrame Basics 5 Videos - How set up and use the AimFrame
  • AimFrame Advanced 7 Videos - How to Use the AimFrame
  • AimFrame Professional 18 Videos - Eye alignment/Vision Center Learning Key Shots
  • And so much more …

The AimFrame, and Instructional videos sell for £40 – but we only have 54 remaining in stock and wanted to bundle a ton of extra value into these last units.

Value Added Bonuses for ONLY 54 Snooker Enthusiasts

Each of these bonuses on their own are worth more than the overall package price.
Aiming, Sighting & Potting Ebook 78 page Ebook PDF

How to Improve your Overall Game, aiming, approach, eye movements and sighting, and more.

PLUS, the formula for where to aim in the pocket that took me twenty years to stumble across.

Value – unlikely you will ever reach the conclusions in this text book yourself... so could save you a limitless amount of time.

Aiming, Sighting & Potting Master Class
worth £147

124 Instructional Videos, 15 hours of video in your Members Area.

Solve your Aiming, Sighting & Potting Problems Once and For All.

  • The Optimum Cue Position - 3 Videos
  • Your Ideal Eye Position Above the Cue - 10 Videos
  • How to Approach the Shot - 6 Videos
  • Eye Movements During the ‘Eye Cue Action’ - 27 Videos
  • What to Look at AFTER You Play the Shot - 16 Videos
  • Middle Pocket Aiming Issues - 5 Videos
  • Seeing These Lessons Applied in Real Training Sessions - 36 Videos
  • Advanced Aiming Issues - 12 Videos
  • Aiming and Potting with SIDE SPIN - 9 Videos
Personalised Video Analysis of your Vision Centre, Aiming & Cueing done by Nic Barrow
worth £147

You get a professional video analysis (BY ME PERSONALLY) that benefits from my 40+ years in the game, 25 years coaching full time across 50+ countries, and helping thousands of players just like you solve problems just like yours.



How the video analysis works:

  • You download our FREE video analysis app for your phone or ipad
  • You get step-by-step instructions to take three videos of your action (takes 5-10 minutes)
  • You simply click ‘send to Nic’ in the free app
  • Your video is analyzed (BY ME PERSONALLY) and sent right back to your app where you can view/play as many times as you like in normal or slow motion speed
  • You also get to keep them in your app for future reference.

Total of Bonuses: £400+

For the first 54 people who invest in Aiming Cueing Super Solution

Your investment is ONLY £97

We’re only charging £97 for this super solution for 3 reasons:
  • First, £97 puts this system within reach of the vast majority of snooker players. It’s not too expensive for even the humblest beginning player.
  • Second, any snooker player who’s not serious enough about their game to invest £97 into this tool isn’t going to take the time to use the methods laid out in the system anyway
  • Third, anyone who is serious about their game to put down the price of two nights out at the club and buy this solution has the opportunity to save hundreds of hours practice cost / time and improve their game forever

Fair Warning:

I will only sell 54 of this package at this price.

Once I sell the 54, I will not make this offer ever again.

Think about the time I’ll invest in your video analysis alone…that is worth far more than the investment in the entire solution!

Time is very much “of the essence”

The 54 will go quickly and once they're gone, anyone who wants just the video analysis will pay £147 for this Vision Centre, Aiming & Cueing video analysis (done by me personally)

Nic Barrow’s 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you don’t feel this is the solution for you, if you don’t like the AimFrame, you don’t like the videos or you just don’t like me, send me an email for a full no quibble refund within 60 days and we’ll remain friends.

Click on the I want the Aiming Cueing Super Potting Solution button and get instant access to the training and the bonuses and we’ll send you the AimFrame by Royal Mail.

You’ll immediately get the training and the master class and by the time the Aim Frame arrives you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.

By not going ahead you will continue to waste time and make potting mistakes

Stop fantasizing that you can go it alone when you have a proven tool and solution at your disposal. The proven way to self-diagnose your game and get the ball in the damn pocket ‘Super Solution’ is only £97.

It would be pretty silly not to grab it…

  • Either give up on your desire to improve your game or get this system otherwise you’re sure to make continuous mistakes and waste more of your time practicing the wrong way.
  • This system is the only thing standing between you and snooker success in these key areas.
  • There is more real actionable information and training in this system than you’ll get watching a hundred youtube videos, spending 500 hours practicing, listening to friends or hiring more coaches with differing opinions )or do not have the experience to help you diagnose and solve your issues
  • This system is proven and has worked for hundreds of other snooker players
  • It’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose any money.
(This product is only suitable for snooker balls – it will not work with 2 ¼ inch pool balls).


But you can register your interest below,
and we will let you know when we do another special offer.

(This product is only suitable for snooker balls – it will not work with 2 ¼ inch pool balls).


But you can register your interest below, and we will let you know when we do another special offer.